Tips on Programming

여기서 말하는 프로그래밍은 컴퓨터에 하는 프로그래밍이 아니라 잠재의식에 원하는 바를 프로그래밍 하는 것입니다. 잠재의식에 프로그램이 제대로 입력이 되기만 하면 실현(Manifestation)이 된다고 하죠.

호세 실바 선생이 창안한 마인드컨트롤을 실바 메쏘드(Silva Method)라 부릅니다. 실바울트라 마인드(Ultra Mind)는 실바 메쏘드의 개정판이입니다. 오래 전에 사이트에 퍼 담아 놓고 번역을 하려고 놔둔 건테 잘 안되네요. 요즘 다들 영어 잘하시니 영어로 둬도 될 것 같고요.


촐처: Silva Method

Tips on Programming 프로그래밍을 위한 팁

Q. “Do I have to be experienced
in meditating in order to get the benefits offered in the Silva Life
System Home Study Course or other home study courses?”

You don’t need to be experienced in meditating in order to get the
benefits from the home study courses. First of all, meditating is easy
to do, and you probably have already experienced some form of it
naturally. It’s much like resting with your eyes closed. The major
difference being that you are doing it consciously, and with a purpose
in mind. Secondly, the micro courses are so complete, and very clear.
Simply follow the instructions and you will be well on your way.

Q. “What do you mean by programming?”

Programming is the process of instructing or learning. It is most
effective when it is done in steps, and while in a state of meditation
when the brain is at alpha and very receptive. It is somewhat like a
formula or recipe, that when followed step-by-step, you end up with the
desired result. It allows for you to predetermine a better way in which
you want to think, believe, and/or behave. Programming your brain is
similar to programming a computer, only a biological one.

Q. “What happens if I go too deep during my meditations?”

The only thing that will happen is that you will end up asleep. Going
into a meditation follows the same body, brain, and mind path as
entering sleep. The body, brain, and mind often prefer sleep over
meditation. This happens mostly when you are either inexperienced at
meditating, are tired and sleepy, and/or are too comfortable.

Q. “What is the best way to make my programming work?”

  • DESIRE the outcome fully and completely; BELIEVE that it is possible
    and that you deserve it; and EXPECT it to manifest without a shadow of a
  • Make sure that your thoughts and actions are congruent with what you are programming for.
  • Follow the strategy, process, or technique as instructed in order to help insure your success.
  • Reinforce the program in future meditations until it manifests.

Q. “Is there a feeling associated with Alpha Brain function?”

There is no feeling associated with Alpha Brain Function. What you
will feel is your body very relaxed, and you will notice the quality of
your thoughts as being calm.

Q. “When I do my meditations I always fall asleep. What can I do to prevent that from happening?”

Don’t get too comfortable when you meditate. Falling asleep during a
meditation happens to even the most experience practitioner. Instead of
getting too cozy in your bed or recliner, get into a comfortable sitting
position in a regular chair. In addition, falling asleep may be just
what your body needs.

Q. “I seem to get distracting thoughts when I meditate. Is that normal?”

Yes. Just about everyone who meditates gets distracting thoughts or
have their minds wander. Your mind is a real busy-body with many
thoughts going through it at any given moment. When you notice your mind
wandering, simply bring it back. Sometimes the thoughts that come need
some attention. Deal with it accordingly, and then get back to

Q. “How do I know I am functioning at the Alpha Brain Frequency?”

You will have a pretty good idea that you are functioning at Alpha if
your eyes are closed, your body is relaxed, your thought process is
internal and active, you remain conscious of your experience, and the
external environment goes somewhat unnoticed.

Q. “Do I have to write down my goals or can I just think of them?”

You must write down your goals. It is the first step towards making
your goals a reality by taking them out from the internal world of
thought to the external world of manifestations. You can look at writing
your goals down like writing a contract with yourself. Be sure to sign


Q. “Is meditation really that important?”

Yes. Meditation is not only important, it is vital for health and
wellbeing. Stress is the number one cause of illness, and meditation is
one of the best ways to counteract the negative effects of stress.
Meditation comes by many names. Whether you rest, relax, center
yourself, go within, internalize, or pray on a daily with an intention
in mind, such as healing or solving a problem, you will get noticeable
benefits. It is the one thing that strengthens the connection of and
heals your body, spirit, mind, and emotions.

Q. “How often and for how long should I meditate?”

That depends on your health, time and need. Most people can easily
meditate in the morning when they awaken, and at night when they are
ready to go to sleep. Some people can even meditate sometime in the
afternoon. Five minutes meditating is good, ten minutes is much better,
and fifteen to thirty minutes is excellent. If you are feeling ill,
under the weather, or very stressed, it is recommended that you meditate
at least fifteen minutes three times a day.

Q. “How soon can I expect to see the results from meditating?”

Everybody is different, and has different needs. If you are one of
those people with a Type A personality, you will probably see results
immediately. You can expect to notice a change for the better regardless
of what type of person you are within a very short period of time. Some
of the benefits you will notice are a general sense of calm,
self-control, restfulness, and optimism.

Q. “Is there anything to be afraid of when I meditate?”

Absolutely not – Meditation is a very natural activity for your body,
brain, and mind. You imitate the meditative process every time you
enter sleep by closing your eyes, relaxing your body, breathing deeply,
and calming the mind. The difference between sleep and meditation is
that in sleep you lose awareness and your brain frequency gets very
slow, whereas in meditation you learn to hold your brain frequency at
higher Alpha frequencies, and you keep a conscious and active mind.

Q. “Do you recommend that I meditate with the lights off, and with some special music in the background?”

Not necessarily. It is best if you practice meditation under
different environments, and times of day. Learn to meditate with lights
on or off; with or without music; at home or at the office. Some people
even learn to meditate with eyes open while in a daydream state. If you
are going to play music during your meditations, make sure it is
soothing, deepening, and very relaxing.


Q. “The Sleep Control Technique doesn’t seem to work for me. What am I doing wrong?”

There are several main reasons why the Sleep Management Technique doesn’t work.

  1. You were not sleepy when you applied the technique.
  2. Your body was still tense and needed to be more relaxed.
  3. You did not follow the instructions as originally programmed.
  4. The pitch of your inner voice was too high, and the pace too fast.

Q. “The Sleep Control Technique works so well. Why is that?”

To begin with you are using the technique while in meditation. By
that time, your eyes are closed, your body is relaxed, your breathing is
rhythmic, and your brain frequency is probably at Alpha. Being at Alpha
means that you are closer to Stage One of sleep than you would be if
you were wide awake and active. It is much easier to get to sleep when
you are meditating.

Q. Does the Sleep Control Technique work for long time insomniacs that have been on sleep medication for years?

Yes, there are many testimonials of people who had been on sleep
medication for years, were skeptical about the effectiveness of the
Sleep Management Strategy, and applied it with successful results. The
fundamental structure of this strategy works, and they were able to
relieved themselves of insomnia. So many times, insomniacs make the
condition worse by worrying about the insomnia. The worrying itself
leads to stress, and stress leads to insomnia. This strategy will help
any insomniac learn how to manage the stress, slow down brain
frequencies in the direction of sleep, and use their mind in a special
manner that will allow them to enter sleep naturally.

Q. How much sleep does a person need?

That depends on many factors such as age, life style, physical, and
emotional health, hormones, and if you are deprived of sleep. Infants
need about 16 hours of sleep a day. Teenagers require about 9 hours a
day, and most adults need approximately 7-8 hours of sleep in order to
be at their best. Pregnant women need more hours of sleep then when not
pregnant, and if you are deprived of sleep you will need to make it up
the first chance you get.

Q. What is a good way to start the process of overcoming insomnia?

A good way to start is to discover what is keeping you awake. Then,
take some action to correct it. Find the proper MindBiz tool, or
technique to help you in solving problems, and then couple that with the
Sleep Management Strategy.

Q. Is overcoming insomnia difficult?

No. It is surprisingly easy. The Sleep Management Strategy will help
your body, brain, and mind relearn something that is so natural, and a
huge part of your history. Sleeping is something that you naturally know
how to do, but for whatever reason, you lost the ability. It is so much
easier relearning an old behavior, no matter how old, than learning a
new one. Sleeping is not just a behavior it is an innate body function.
Sleeping naturally again will be easier than you think.


Q. “I set my mental clock for 7am, and I kept waking up all night to check the time. What am I doing wrong?”

You are not doing anything wrong. In fact you could say your inner
conscious mind is looking out for you, and wants to get you up in time.
Next time you program your mental clock, insert a mental picture of
yourself sleeping all night deeply and restfully, and not waking up
until your programmed time. This is something you will overcome quickly.

Q. “I went to sleep late last night and used my
mental clock. My mental clock always works, but not this morning. I set
it for 6:30am and woke up at 7. Although I still got to work just fine,
did I do something wrong?”

No you didn’t do anything wrong. You probably just needed a little
extra sleep. You will find that you inner conscious will take care of
you in certain situations, and also keep track of time. Nevertheless,
always make sure you have a very clear picture of the clock in your mind
with the time you want to awaken.

Q. “Many times when I use my mental clock, something in my environment wakes me up. Why is that?”

It’s hard to say. Yet, do remember that setting your mental clock is
the same as setting a goal, only that it is a goal in time. This is
probably the best technique you have to learn how to manifest any of
your goals by a specific time. And like with any other goal, you never
limit the direction from where you get your end result. If a chirping
bird, or barking dog wakes you up at the exact time you programmed for,
great! The universe is obviously responding to your thoughts.

Q. “Why does the Mental Clock Technique work so well?”

Several reasons may explain why. One reason is that as living
creatures we operate with certain biological rhythms like our circadian
cycle that gives the body a sense of time. Secondly, The brain also
seems to have a time keeping capacity, and thirdly, there are many
environmental time givers such as outside light changing, sounds of
automobiles, animal activity, etc., that can cue us in to what time it
is. The biggest reason is that your inner conscious is now consciously

Q. “I was afraid I wouldn’t wake up so I set my physical clock as well as my mental clock, and I didn’t wake up. Why?

Your inner conscious knows you don’t trust it, and won’t bother doing
the work of waking you up if you set your physical clock. Never set
your physical clock when you set your mental clock. Give yourself the
opportunity to wake up a success and a winner by allowing your mental
clock to wake you up. If you can do this, you can do anything.

Q. I did the Mental Clock Strategy and I kept waking
up several times during the night and checking the clock to see if it
was time to get up. Is this how it works?

No, the strategy is meant to wake you up at exactly the time you
programmed for. What does happen to some in the beginning is that
through the programming, your mind has been alerted to wake up at a
specific time and during the night will check in order to make sure it
does so. This usually lasts only a night or two. Once your mind
discovers that it can and will wake you up, the result will be that you
will awaken at exactly the time you programmed.

Q. Before setting the Mental Clock to the time I want to awaken, does the Mental Clock need to be at the actual time?

It does not matter what time is on your Mental Clock when you start.
What matters is the time you set on the Mental Clock to awaken, and
making that image strong and clear. If you feel that starting the Mental
Clock at real time will help, then follow your feelings. You can always
modify or shorten the strategy once you know it works either way.

Q. Do I need to raise my hands and arms physically or just mentally?

Try it both ways and discover if one works better than the other for
you. Some people who are very kinesthetic may want to physically raise
their arms and hands. For them it is more engaging and may have a better
outcome. For others who are more visual, simply imagining that you are
raising your arms and hands to set the clock is all that is needed.
Others may find that picturing the Mental Clock, physically raising the
arms and hands, and hearing the statement of intent satisfies the
visual, kinesthetic, and auditory modes for an even better outcome.
Discover what works for you.

Q. I only use digital alarm clocks. Can my Mental Clock be digital?

Yes, your Mental Clock can be digital. Instead of moving the hands of
the clock, imagine the numbers changing rapidly to the time you want to
awaken and state your intent clearly. You may even use both. Use what
works best for you.

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