EFT가 업장(業障) 해소에 도움이 될까?

자기계발(personal growth/development)에 대한 오랜 관심과 의문이 요즘 기웃거리는 분야. EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques)

누구는 되는데 누구는 안되는 이유가 뭘까? 주어진 환경과 갖고 있는 조건이 서로 다르기 때문인데, 그렇다면 그 환경과 조건의 원인은 무엇일까?  업장(業障)이 서로 다르기 때문이라 가정을 해본다. 그렇다면 EFT가 업장을 소멸까지는 아니지만 해소하는데 도움이 될까? 도이원의 기공사 김경근 원장에게 들은 바에 따르면 명상을 통해 삼매에 들면 업장을 해소를 할 수 있다고 하는데 일반인들이 삼매까지 가는 길이 그리 만만치 않다. 그렇다면 EFT가 명상을 완전히 대체할 순 없어도 소기의 목적을 거둘 수 있는 도구가 될 수 있을까? 계속 관찰해보기로 하자.





출처: http://thetappingsolution.com/2013tappingworldsummit/VS1c-Louise-Hay7.php


Do you know what’s really holding you back? 

Do you know what unconscious beliefs, patterns, traumas and negative emotions are limiting your ability to create the life that you want? And if so, what are you doing to clear them and move forward? 
Most people aren’t consciously aware of the things holding them back. And oftentimes they’re afraid to look into these present and past limitations, thinking that if they do that they will manifest or attract more of those things into their life. 
Best-selling author Louise Hay is known as the “Queen of Affirmations”, and knows better than anybody the power of positive focus. Her book “You Can Heal Your Life” has sold over 50 million copies worldwide! 
But there’s one thing she knows for sure…only focusing on the positive and ignoring the negative things going on in your life, both present and past, won’t make your problems go away. 🙂 
As she puts it’s…


“If You’re Going to Clean a House, You Need to See the Dirt…” 

We all have “stuff” that we’re dealing with at any point in our life. Financial challenges, emotional ups and downs, relationship problems, and so much more. It’s all a natural part of life. 
How we address those issues, find their root causes, and “clean them up” as quickly as possible are what make all the difference. 
In this video Louise will share with you how to go about balancing the “clean up” work with the use of Tapping and how to then get back to the positive with life changing affirmations. 
Most people make some extremely common mistakes when it comes to this “inner work” that leaves them frustrated and running in circles. In this video she shares how to create a simple shift in perspective that can wipe these challenges away in seconds. 
One of the most powerful aspects of Tapping is it’s ability to create forgiveness of our past and current life. As Louise says…



“Forgiveness Wipes the Slate Clean, So That Other Things Can Come In…” 

Love, forgiveness and self-acceptance are the most powerful gifts anybody can give themselves. But getting to a point where you can turn off the background negativity isn’t always easy… 
You know what I mean, the “I’m not smart enough”, “Who do I think you am?”, “I’m not lovable”, “I can’t be successful” type of comments. 
These type of comments severely limit our ability to fully express who we are and live the life that we want. 
In this video Louise will share with you how to use Tapping to allow forgiveness, love and self-acceptance into your life… 

She’ll also share with you her personal struggle with growing up feeling that she wasn’t good enough and will open up about how certain past emotional traumas were manifesting in her body and creating physical challenges (and how the same thing may be happening with you).

You’ll get to tap along with Louise, share in her open Tapping experience and have your own as you tap along with her. (The last 10 minutes are especially emotional for Louise.)

Get ready for a powerful, emotional and very moving shift that will help you to finally move forward past any blocks that have been holding you back..

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